Saturday, August 30, 2008

Choo Choo!! Thomas and Friends are here!

The perennial favourite of all boys and even some girls, Thomas and Friends! It never ceases to amaze me how little kids can rattle off all the names of the different engines as well as their numbers! Somehow, there is a Thomas and Friends gene embedded in all the kids nowadays :p

Nevertheless, Thomas and Friends is a sweet little show featuring the antics and adventures of the little tank engines, diesel engines and other vehicles such as buses, tractors and even aeroplanes and helicopters.

These Thomas and Friends cupcakes were done for a friend's nephew who is turning 2. He love trains and cars and the like so his doting aunt knew she wouldn't go wrong with Thomas and his Friends :)

Choo choo!! Peep! Peep!


  1. Hi,

    I love your cupcakes! Never seen anything quite like them before!

    May I know how do you achieve the 'printed look' on your 'cupcake discs', if I may call them so?

    Would appreciate any guidance that you can offer. :-)

  2. Hi Ivy,

    thanks for the compliments! those are actually icing images printed on a sheet of icing.

    btw, just wondering, how did you get to my website?
