Thursday, November 12, 2009

Gordon is the star today

Somehow, I can never remember which engine is which. Some are pretty obvious by colour, however, some other engines can really look quite similar. It takes a kid to teach an adult which engine is which and what sort of engines each one was. I didn't even know that there were tank engines and tender engines. 

Apparently, they were different, tank engines are smaller and tender engines are regarded highly and only pulled passenger trains (something like that....:p) All these nuggests of info came from, who else, but my 6-year old son. He was my consutlant for this birthday cake! Hahaha! 

Stephenie wanted a Gordon cake for her son Aaron. Like I said, sometimes I can't really distinguish between the engines so I asked my son to verify that I got the correct picture. Gordon isn't as common as Thomas, so I'm really glad I managed to find a nice picture of Gordon, SMILING. Gordon is usually frowning, and I don't think we want a frowning cake for a birthday party now, do we? :p I hope Aaron is happy with his whimsical, colourful Gordon cake!


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